Christian Conservative Christian "Independent"

I'm an evangelical Christian, member of the CPC, but presently & unjustly exiled to wander the political wilderness.
All opinions expressed here are solely my own.

Tuesday, April 24, 2007

Mr. McGuinty, we have some questions

Sure, it's expected that as a member of the Government, you're going to advocate for funding for causes you support... that's a no-brainer. But when too many mutual connections and links start appearing between the players involved, specifically those granting and those receiving the money, you do have to start asking questions... it would be irresponsible not to.
"We now have what appears to be three examples of this at work in Ontario. In March the Bengali Cultural Society, located in Toronto's Crescent Town, was handed a cheque for $250,000 from the Ontario government to help with settlement services for Bengali immigrants.

Coincidentally, the federal Liberal MP for the area, Maria Minna, was invited to attend the glad-handing, cheque presentation -- the NDP's MPP for the riding was strangely left off the invite list.

Turns out the Bangladeshi community in Toronto isn't that familiar with the Bengali Cultural Society, but the Liberals are. The Society's director is a card-carrying Grit and a member of the group also happens to be the VP of Minna's Liberal riding association."
Can't make any allegations at this point, but it does look a little questionable.

I'm sure that Mr. McGuinty is hoping that this cultural group has some good records and justification for how the $250,000 grant was spent... because this is just the sort of thing that makes a politician look really bad.



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