Christian Conservative Christian "Independent"

I'm an evangelical Christian, member of the CPC, but presently & unjustly exiled to wander the political wilderness.
All opinions expressed here are solely my own.

Friday, September 28, 2007

Dion just goofed... HUGE

Oh man, what on earth does this guy think he's doing?

CBC News: Dion rejects calls for removal of party's director

Mr. Dion, sure, we've attacked you for not being a leader, but for you're own sake, this is not the time nor the way to go about trying to prove otherwise!

Honestly, my mouth is just hanging open, and I'm just sitting here shaking my head. Others have said that watching Dion has been like watching a slow train wreak, but I've disagreed with them... until now. There is no other way to describe it... I'm honestly in shock, and honestly feel sorry for the guy.

He just single-handedly boosted our polling numbers even higher in Quebec. I mean, come on... how do you deal with a disenfranchised bunch of Quebec Liberals who are calling for blood? I'll tell you one thing... this is NOT the way to do it...
Dion rejects calls for removal of party's director
Last Updated: Friday, September 28, 2007 | 2:33 PM ET
CBC News

Stéphane Dion has rejected calls by some senior Liberals that the party's national director be fired over comments he allegedly made regarding hiring more francophone Quebecers.
CTV has also reported more on the open revolt that is now going on within the Quebec wing of the Liberal Party of Canada.
Quebec Liberals targeting Dion's inner circle
Updated Fri. Sep. 28 2007 12:04 PM ET News Staff

A campaign is being waged in Quebec against Liberal Leader Stephane Dion and his inner circle.

The embattled Dion has suffered several blows recently, including losses in three Quebec byelections and the withdrawal of two key candidates in the province.

Now it appears the Liberal Party's senior ranks in Quebec are revolting against Dion and his closest associates.
UPDATE: The Globe & Mail has also posted the story, however, something interesting... they posted the story with one headline, and then quickly changed it. At first, the story was entitled, "Dion spurns calls for aide's firing"... a pretty accurate assement of the situation. But all of a sudden, now it's headed "Dion backs aide under fire for alleged remarks about Quebec"... a whole lot less inflamatory. Did someone make a phone call after seeing the headline?

Just found that interesting.

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