Christian Conservative Christian "Independent"

I'm an evangelical Christian, member of the CPC, but presently & unjustly exiled to wander the political wilderness.
All opinions expressed here are solely my own.

Monday, January 18, 2010

"In and Out" - Verdict is IN, EC charges are OUT

It's Liberal smackdown time once again folks... we, being the Conservative Party of Canada, just won the first of the "In and Out" cases before the courts.

To all the Liberals who tried to make a fuss over this... TOLD YOU SO.

UPDATE: Here's the key section of the Court's findings:
[202] Thus, having considered the totality of the evidence on record, the Court is not satisfied that the suspicions entertained by the respondent [the Chief Electoral Officer] support the impugned decisions or constitute reasonable grounds to suspend indefinitely the issuance of new certificates under section 465 of the Act. As further elaborated below, the applicants have clearly demonstrated to the Court that they have a clear right to be reimbursed because the evidence on record shows that the claimed advertising expenses qualify as “election expenses” under section 407 of the Act.

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  • At Tue Jan 19, 11:18:00 a.m. EST, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    likes how you had three separate links for TOLD YOU SO.

    oops. I forgot "Mike Wisniewski" goes at the end of comments on this blog, not the start (too much facebooking)

    Mike Wisniewski


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